Engineer Database

Use the options below to search our database. Please note that this search returns (1) registered engineers with current practicing certificates, (2) authorized organizations with current certificates of authorization, (3) specially registered engineers with current certificates of special registration, and (4) temporarily registered engineers with current certificates of temporary registration.


Name Reg # Conditions Type Categories Class
Sheldon G. Rose PE/16/01266

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Individual 16-Construction Professional Engineer
Jerome R. Mills PE/01,06/01293

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Individual 01-Civil, 06-Structural Professional Engineer
Andre G. Modest PE/05/0596

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Individual 05-Mechanical Professional Engineer
Peter C. Moo Young PE/03/01332

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Individual 03-Electrical Professional Engineer
Darren R. Moore PE/03/0474

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Moderní doba přináší nové možnosti pro pohodlný nákup léčiv. Objednávka Cialis bez receptu je skvělou volbou pro ty, kdo hledají rychlé a diskrétní řešení. Výběr spolehlivého prodejce je klíčový, aby byla zajištěna kvalita a bezpečnost produktu. Díky možnosti získat Cialis bez receptu můžete ušetřit čas a vyhnout se zbytečným komplikacím. Produkt vám bude doručen přímo domů, rychle a diskrétně. Tento způsob nákupu kombinuje jednoduchost a spolehlivost, což z něj činí ideální volbu pro vaše potřeby.
Individual 03-Electrical Professional Engineer
Marvin A. Moore PE/16/01292

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Un aspecto destacado de FortuPlay es su enfoque en la satisfacción del cliente. Los usuarios pueden disfrutar de métodos de pago rápidos y seguros, junto con un servicio de atención al cliente disponible las 24 horas. Las atractivas promociones, como bonos de bienvenida y recompensas por fidelidad, aseguran que cada jugador reciba beneficios adicionales mientras disfruta de su tiempo en la plataforma. Con su compromiso con la calidad y la innovación, FortuPlay está redefiniendo el estándar de los casinos online. La biblioteca de juegos en FortuPlay incluye opciones para todos los gustos, desde tragamonedas con gráficos impresionantes hasta clásicos como el póker, el blackjack y la ruleta en vivo. Cada título ha sido cuidadosamente seleccionado para garantizar una experiencia inmersiva y justa, convirtiendo cada sesión de juego en un momento memorable.
Individual 16-Construction Professional Engineer
Allison A. Mullings PE/01,06/01298

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Individual 01-Civil, 06-Structural Professional Engineer
Justin S. Naylor PE/01/01013

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Individual 01-Civil Professional Engineer
Camara O.H. Nelson PE/16/01200

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Individual 16-Construction Professional Engineer
Andrew W. Nepaul PE/03/0952

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Individual 03-Electrical Professional Engineer
Darrio E. Nepaul PE/16/01192

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Individual 16-Construction Professional Engineer
Odaine G. Perry PE/01/01247

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Når man vurderer alternativer for medisiner, er kostnadene ofte en viktig faktor. Mange ønsker å finne ut hva Cenforce pris på apoteket er for å kunne sammenligne med nettbaserte alternativer. Prisene på apoteket kan variere avhengig av pakningsstørrelse, leverandør og lokasjon. For mange gir dette en mulighet til å vurdere om det er mer praktisk å handle på tradisjonelt vis eller benytte seg av moderne nettbutikker. For å sikre best mulig opplevelse, enten på apoteket eller på nettet, bør man alltid undersøke kvaliteten på produktet og sikre at det oppfyller nødvendige krav. Dette gir trygghet, samtidig som det sikrer at medisinen møter dine behov. Uansett hvilken løsning du velger, er det viktig å finne den balansen som passer din livsstil og dine preferanser.
Individual 01-Civil Professional Engineer
Craig A.J.W. Petgrave PE/01/01245

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Individual 01-Civil Professional Engineer
Hana M. Samuels PE/01,06/01237

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Individual 01-Civil, 06-Structural Professional Engineer
Leslie Scarlett PE/05/0564

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Individual 05-Mechanical Professional Engineer
Peter C. Schroeter PE/01/0810

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Individual 01-Civil Professional Engineer
Evrette D. Scott PE/16/01205

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Individual 16-Construction Professional Engineer
Orville A. Sewell PE/01,16/01198

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Individual 01-Civil, 16-Construction Professional Engineer
Neville A. Simon PE/01,06/0238

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Individual 01-Civil, 06-Structural Professional Engineer
Sheldon O. Simon PE/16/01326

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Individual 16-Construction Professional Engineer
Nicola A. Simpson PE/01/01209

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Individual 01-Civil Professional Engineer
Oswald J. Smiley PE/03/0970

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Individual 03-Electrical Professional Engineer
Carl A. Smith PE/01/01094

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

La plateforme se distingue par sa capacité à proposer des retraits instantanés, permettant aux joueurs de profiter de leurs gains sans attendre. Ce service rapide et sécurisé répond aux besoins des amateurs de jeux en ligne modernes, en mettant l’accent sur l’efficacité et la simplicité. En visitant, les utilisateurs accèdent à une large sélection de jeux captivants, incluant des machines à sous innovantes, des jeux de table stratégiques et des croupiers en direct. Avec des bonus attrayants et des promotions exclusives, cette page garantit une expérience de jeu complète où le plaisir se combine à la satisfaction d’un retrait immédiat. LumierePlay, c’est la promesse d’un divertissement de qualité associé à une gestion des gains ultra-rapide.
Individual 01-Civil Professional Engineer
Hasini F. Smith PE/16/01273

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Individual 16-Construction Professional Engineer
Ianthe T. Smith PE/01,06,11/0149

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Individual 01-Civil, 06-Structural, 16-Construction Professional Engineer
Medeba Ibahri formerly known as Tamoye D. Smith PE/16/01223

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Individual 16-Construction Professional Engineer
Natalie A. Sparkes PE/02/0603

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Individual 02-Chemical Professional Engineer
Kadeja S.L. Spencer PE/01/01307

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Individual 01-Civil Professional Engineer
Chadron K. Stern PE/05/01078

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Individual 05-Mechanical Professional Engineer
Deryck F. Taylor PE/05/01060

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Individual 05-Mechanical Professional Engineer
Fabian N. Taylor PE/03,08/0942

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Individual 03-Electrical, 08-Electronics Professional Engineer
Ti'Jean Teape-Johnston PE/01,06/0467

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Individual 01-Civil, 06-Structural Professional Engineer
Kerry O. Thomas PE/01/0588

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Individual 01-Civil Professional Engineer
Audley W. Thompson PE/01,06/0201

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Individual 01-Civil, 06-Structural Professional Engineer
Gary M.A. Thompson PE/03/0298

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Individual 03-Electrical Professional Engineer
Ian A. Thompson PE/03/0775

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Individual 03-Electrical Professional Engineer
O'Shane T. Thompson PE/01,06/01308

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Individual 01-Civil, 06-Structural Professional Engineer
Uton C. Tobin PE/03/01172

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Оформлення позики стало значно простішим завдяки сучасним онлайн-сервісам. Якщо вам потрібен кредит 25 000 гривень, ви можете скористатися послугами фінансових платформ, що пропонують зручні умови. Заповнення заявки займає мінімум часу, а гроші зараховуються на картку одразу після схвалення. Послуга кредит 25 000 гривень ідеально підходить для покриття великих витрат, таких як ремонт, навчання або невідкладні покупки. Клієнти отримують прозорі умови договору та можливість вибрати зручний графік погашення. Такий підхід дозволяє швидко вирішувати фінансові питання, не витрачаючи час на складні банківські процедури.
Individual 03-Electrical Professional Engineer
Carl P. Tyndale PE/16/01213

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Individual 16-Construction Professional Engineer
Joseph J. Walcott PE/03/01108

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Individual 03-Electrical Professional Engineer
Shalik S. Walker PE/02/01239

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Individual 02-Chemical Professional Engineer
Zachary A. Watson PE/01,06/01250

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Individual 01-Civil, 06-Structural Professional Engineer
Andrew J. Watt PE/16/01312

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Individual 16-Construction Professional Engineer
Franklin W. Watt PE/05/01220

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Individual 05-Mechanical Professional Engineer
Nadrae T. Waugh PE/03/0719

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Individual 03-Electrical Professional Engineer
Arnie N. Weir PE/16/01327

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Individual 16-Construction Professional Engineer
Lincoln S.G. Whyte PE/02/01249

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Individual 02-Chemical Professional Engineer
Martin A. Williamson PE/05/0740

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Individual 05-Mechanical Professional Engineer
Douglas G. Wilson PE/01,06/0354

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Individual 01-Civil, 06-Structural Professional Engineer
Suanjay J. Wright PE/16/01262

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Individual 16-Construction Professional Engineer
Zhen Xiao TR/01,06/048

To provide Civil and Structural Engineering Services to China Harbour Engineering Company Limited ONLY.

Individual 01-Civil, 06-Structural Temporary Registration
Kevin C. Henry PE/05/0958

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Individual 05-Mechanical Professional Engineer
Kristoffer A. Henry PE/01/0964

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Individual 01-Civil Professional Engineer
Richard S. P. Gordon PE/05/0562

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Individual 05-Mechanical Professional Engineer
Damion M. Whyte PE/03/0977

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Individual 03-Electrical Professional Engineer
Ryan O. Lattery PE/03/01044

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Individual 03-Electrical Professional Engineer
Winston S. Ormsby PE/01/0841

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Individual 01-Civil Professional Engineer
Jonathan D. Isaacs PE/04/01283

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Individual 04-Industrial Professional Engineer
Wayne E. Johnson PE/05/0737

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Individual 05-Mechanical Professional Engineer
Garfield St. A. McPherson PE/03/0674

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Individual 03-Electrical Professional Engineer
Dionne C. Nugent PE/03/0633

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Individual 03-Electrical Professional Engineer
Gobind Dansinghani PE/03/0509

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Individual 03-Electrical Professional Engineer
Omar A. Brown PE/03/0834

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Individual 03-Electrical Professional Engineer
Jonnell R. Whervin PE/16/01267

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Individual 16-Construction Professional Engineer
Lenbern Hopkins PE/03/0955

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Individual 03-Electrical Professional Engineer
Oneil R.Roper PE/16/01305

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Individual 16-Construction Professional Engineer
Emanuel DaRosa PE/03/01240

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Individual 03-Electrical Professional Engineer
Basil C. Davidson PE/08/0261

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Individual 08-Electronics Professional Engineer
Mark A.G. Dennis PE/05/0888

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Individual 05-Mechanical Professional Engineer
Vance A. Johnson PE/11/01196

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Individual 11-Environmental Professional Engineer
Orville B. Lue Lim PE/03/0909

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Individual 03-Electrical Professional Engineer
Stephen A. Lue-Yen PE/01,06/01309

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Individual 01-Civil, 06-Structural Professional Engineer
Stefan D. Lyn Shue PE/04/01268

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Решение подходит тем, кто предпочитает действовать оперативно, особенно в ситуациях, когда срочные расходы требуют немедленного финансирования. Такой сервис помогает не упустить важные моменты и сохраняет финансовую стабильность. Современные онлайн-сервисы позволяют избежать долгих ожиданий. Теперь можно легко оформить кредит по паспорту и коду онлайн, даже если банковские отделения закрыты, а у заемщика нет возможности ждать утра. Для получения средств достаточно заполнить короткую форму на сайте, указав минимальный набор данных. Весь процесс происходит автоматически: заявка обрабатывается системой, и деньги переводятся на карту сразу после одобрения.
Individual 04-Industrial Professional Engineer
Tyronne M. G. JP Newby PE/01,06/01342

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Individual 01-Civil, 06-Structural Professional Engineer
Jomo-Rhys Gilman PE/01,06/01341

For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered.

Het aanpakken van intieme gezondheidsproblemen hoeft geen tijdrovend proces te zijn. Dankzij de optie om Cenforce zonder recept te bestellen, kun je snel en eenvoudig toegang krijgen tot een betrouwbare oplossing. Dit alternatief is ideaal voor mensen die hun behandeling willen starten zonder de noodzaak van doktersafspraken of lange wachttijden. Met Cenforce zonder recept profiteer je van een eenvoudig bestelproces en snelle levering. Online apotheken bieden niet alleen gemak, maar ook discretie, zodat je je geen zorgen hoeft te maken over ongemakkelijke situaties. Kies een gerenommeerde leverancier die kwaliteit en veiligheid garandeert, zodat je met vertrouwen aan je behandeling kunt beginnen. Deze moderne benadering maakt gezondheidszorg efficiënter en toegankelijker.
Individual 01-Civil, 06-Structural Professional Engineer