Engineer Database
Name | Reg # | Conditions | Type | Categories | Class |
ASCO Project Consultants Limited | 01, 06/0151 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the organization is registered. |
organization | 01-Civil, 06-Structural | Organization |
Caribbean Eco Wastewater Solutions Ltd | 01/0182 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the organization is registered |
organization | 01-Civil | Organization |
CEAC Solutions Limited | 01:06:11, 14/098 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the organization is registered. I takt med at underholdning bliver mere digital, søger flere spillere efter oplevelser, der kombinerer spænding og tilgængelighed. De bedste Danske casinoer tilbyder netop denne balance, hvor kvalitet og variation går hånd i hånd. Med alt fra traditionelle bordspil til moderne spilleautomater er der noget for enhver smag. Når du udforsker de bedste Danske casinoer, opdager du platforme, der prioriterer brugervenlighed og sikkerhed. Her kan du spille med ro i sindet, velvidende at dine personlige oplysninger og transaktioner er beskyttede. Mange af disse casinoer tilbyder også attraktive bonusser og kampagner, der gør oplevelsen endnu mere engagerende. Denne nye måde at spille på gør det muligt at nyde spændingen, uanset hvor du er.
organization | 01-Civil, 06-Structural, 11-Environmental, 14-Marine | Organization |
Complete Development Solutions Limited | 01/0168 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the organization is registered. |
organization | 01-Civil | Organization |
DebOr Engineering Consultancy & Maintenance Services Ltd | 01:03:06/0122 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the organization is registered. |
organization | 01-Civil, 03-Electrical, 06-Structural | Organization |
Demmo Darling & Associates Ltd | 01/0170 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the organization is registered. |
organization | 01-Civil | Organization |
Denron Engineering Services Ltd | 01:06:03, 05/0129 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the organization is registered. |
organization | 01-Civil, 03-Electrical, 05-Mechanical, 06-Structural | Organization |
Environmental & Engineering Managers Ltd | 01:06:03,11/0120 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the organization is registered. |
organization | 01-Civil, 03-Electrical, 06-Structural, 11-Environmental | Organization |
FCS Consultants Ltd | 01:06/097 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the organization is registered. |
organization | 01-Civil, 06-Structural | Organization |
GAR Engineering Co. Ltd | 03,05/0134 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the organization is registered |
organization | 03-Electrical, 05-Mechanical | Organization |
GnC Engineering Ltd | 01/0126 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the organization is registered |
organization | 01-Civil | Organization |
Hardie & Kossally Ltd | 05/072 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the organization is registered. |
organization | 05-Mechanical | Organization |
HTG Engineering Consultants Ltd | 03,05/0153 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the organization is registered. |
organization | 03-Electrical, 05-Mechanical | Organization |
Hue Lyew Chin Engineering Ltd | 01:06/032 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the organization is registered. |
organization | 01-Civil, 06-Structural | Organization |
Integer Engineering Company Ltd | 01,06/0173 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the organization is registered. |
organization | 01-Civil, 06-Structural | Organization |
JATCO Consultants Ltd | 01:06/058 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the organization is registered |
organization | 01-Civil, 06-Structural | Organization |
Jentech Consultants Ltd | 01:06:02/001 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the organization is registered. |
organization | 01-Civil, 02-Chemical, 06-Structural | Organization |
JFM Electrical Engineering & Maintenance Limited | 03/0178 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the organization is registered. |
organization | 03-Electrical | Organization |
KBS & Associates | 01/0143 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the organization is registered |
organization | 01-Civil | Organization |
Leecorp Limited | 04/096 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the organization is registered. Når det gælder effektiv behandling af intime helbredsproblemer, er det blevet både nemt og bekvemt at købe Cialis. Denne løsning giver mænd mulighed for at håndtere deres udfordringer på en diskret og sikker måde, samtidig med at de bevarer fuld kontrol over processen. Cialis er kendt for sin pålidelighed og langvarige virkning, hvilket gør det til et foretrukket valg for mange. At køb Cialis gennem autoriserede kanaler er afgørende for at sikre produktets kvalitet og sikkerhed. Pålidelige apoteker og onlineplatforme tilbyder medicin, der lever op til sundhedsstandarderne, samtidig med at de beskytter kundens personlige oplysninger med avancerede krypteringsteknologier. Det giver ro i sindet og en problemfri oplevelse. Ud over kvaliteten tilbyder mange online apoteker konkurrencedygtige priser og fleksible leveringsmuligheder.
organization | 04-Industrial | Organization |
Maercon Ltd | 01/0140 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the organization is registered. |
organization | 01-Civil | Organization |
MSR Designs Studio Limited | 01,06/0181 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the organization is registered. |
organization | 01-Civil, 06-Structural | Organization |
N. O. Whyte & Associates Ltd | 01:06/009 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the organization is registered. |
organization | 01-Civil, 06-Structural | Organization |
Omni Services Company Limited | 03:05/035 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the organization is registered. |
organization | 03-Electrical, 05-Mechanical | Organization |
Otiga Engineers Company Ltd | 01:06/075 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the organization is registered. Миттєвий кредит дозволяє отримати кошти без затримок, що робить його ідеальним рішенням у випадках, коли потрібна оперативна фінансова допомога. Для отримання такого кредиту достатньо заповнити онлайн-заявку, і вже через кілька хвилин після схвалення заявник отримує миттєвий кредит на карту. Такий процес не потребує збору великої кількості документів або складних процедур. Після подачі заявки система автоматично обробляє запит, і гроші надходять на рахунок, що дозволяє оперативно вирішити будь-які фінансові питання. У результаті клієнт отримує необхідну суму без зайвих перепон і втрати часу.
organization | 01-Civil, 06-Structural | Organization |
Peter Jervis & Associates Ltd | 01:06/008 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the organization is registered |
organization | 01-Civil, 06-Structural | Organization |
Planning & Flecther Ltd | 05/0169 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the organization is registered. |
organization | 05-Mechanical | Organization |
PowerGen Ltd | 01:03:05/0113 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the organization is registered |
organization | 01-Civil, 03-Electrical, 05-Mechanical | Organization |
Power Services Company Ltd | 03/062 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the organization is registered. |
organization | 03-Electrical | Organization |
Premier Land & Water Development | 01/0155 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the organization is registered. |
organization | 01-Civil | Organization |
Rural Water Supply | 01:06:05/069 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the organization is registered. |
organization | 01-Civil, 05-Mechanical, 06-Structural | Organization |
Stages Consulting Engineers Ltd | 03,05/0174 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the organization is registered |
organization | 03-Electrical, 05-Mechanical | Organization |
Therrestra Ltd | 01/0160 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the organization is registered |
organization | 01-Civil | Organization |
Three 23 Projects Ltd | 01, 06/0185 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the organization is registered. |
organization | 01-Civil, 06-Structural | Organization |
Wallace Evans Jamaica Ltd | 01:06/029 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the organization is registered. |
organization | 01-Civil, 06-Structural | Organization |
West Indies Home Contractors Ltd | 01/0103 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the organization is registered. |
organization | 01-Civil | Organization |
Aston J. Stephens | PE/03/0786 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered. |
Individual | 03-Electrical | Professional Engineer |
Dionne A. Sampson | PE/01/0934 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered. |
Individual | 01-Civil | Professional Engineer |
Dwight D. Ricketts | PE/09/0808 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered. |
Individual | 09-Agricultural | Professional Engineer |
Adrian M. Lawrence | PE/01/0607 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered. |
Individual | 01-Civil | Professional Engineer |
Adrian S. Grant | PE/01,06/01119 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered. |
Individual | 01-Civil, 06-Structural | Professional Engineer |
Agnes L. Fletcher | PE/05/0177 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered |
Individual | 05-Mechanical | Professional Engineer |
Albert S. Gillings | PE/01:06/0407 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered. |
Individual | 01-Civil, 06-Structural | Professional Engineer |
Aldane V. Stennett | PE/02/0476 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered. |
Individual | 02-Chemical | Professional Engineer |
Alfred V. Carty | PE/05/0342 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered. For mange er det å finne en løsning på helseutfordringer både viktig og tidssensitivt. I dagens digitale verden har netthandel blitt en effektiv måte å skaffe nødvendige produkter på. En populær mulighet er å kjøp Kamagra, som gir en fleksibel og diskret måte å dekke spesifikke behov uten å måtte oppsøke lege eller apotek personlig. Denne tilnærmingen er særlig nyttig for de som ønsker å spare tid og unngå ubehagelige situasjoner. Når du vurderer å kjøp Kamagra, er det viktig å fokusere på trygghet og kvalitet. Søk etter leverandører som tilbyr detaljerte beskrivelser av produktene og som opererer i henhold til gjeldende lovverk. Nettsteder med gode kundeanmeldelser kan gi deg ekstra sikkerhet og trygghet i kjøpsprosessen. Ved å gjøre grundige undersøkelser kan du sikre at valget ditt er både trygt og effektivt, samtidig som du opplever den bekvemmeligheten som netthandel tilbyr. Dette gir deg kontroll over situasjonen og en løsning som passer dine behov perfekt.
Individual | 05-Mechanical | Professional Engineer |
Algon E. Meikle | PE/03/0531 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered. |
Individual | 03-Electrical | Professional Engineer |
Alicia K. Burnett | PE/02/0623 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered. |
Individual | 02-Chemical | Professional Engineer |
Alli Kolapo | PE/03,08/01153 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered. |
Individual | 03-Electrical, 08-Electronics | Professional Engineer |
Andrew A Miller | PE/03/0837 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered. |
Individual | 03-Electrical | Professional Engineer |
Andrew A. F. Evans | PE/01/0561 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered. |
Individual | 01-Civil | Professional Engineer |
Andrew B. Campbell | PE/03/0264 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered. |
Individual | 03-Electrical | Professional Engineer |
Andrew O Jackson | PE/01/0882 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered. |
Individual | 01-Civil | Professional Engineer |
Andrew O. Hunter | PE/03/0272 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered. |
Individual | 03-Electrical | Professional Engineer |
Andrew T. Haldane | TR/01/070 | To provide Civil Engineering Functions Re Phoenix Tower International in Jamaica. |
Individual | 01-Civil | Professional Engineer |
Ann M. Hutchinson | PE/08/0619 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered |
Individual | 08-Electronics | Professional Engineer |
Anthony R. Grant | PE/05/0553 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered. |
Individual | 05-Mechanical | Professional Engineer |
Arjuna J. Rojas | TR/01/058 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered. |
Individual | 01-Civil | Professional Engineer |
Arthur St. P. Barrows | PE/05/0635 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered. |
Individual | 05-Mechanical | Professional Engineer |
Aston J. Shaw | PE/03/01135 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered. |
Individual | 03-Electrical | Professional Engineer |
Atrao J. Walker | PE/01,06/01165 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered. |
Individual | 01-Civil, 06-Structural | Professional Engineer |
Audley A. Merchant | PE/03/0085 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered. Pelimaailma on jatkuvassa muutoksessa, ja pelaajat etsivät yhä innovatiivisempia tapoja nauttia suosikkipeleistään. Tässä ympäristössä uudet nettikasinot ovat saavuttaneet nopeasti suuren suosion tarjoamalla tuoreita ideoita ja moderneja ratkaisuja. Usein ne houkuttelevat käyttäjiä laajoilla tervetuliaisbonuksilla, monipuolisella pelivalikoimalla ja edistyneillä maksutavoilla, jotka tekevät pelikokemuksesta sujuvan ja turvallisen. Näiden kasinoiden tavoitteena on paitsi täyttää pelaajien odotukset myös ylittää ne tarjoamalla ainutlaatuista arvoa. On huomionarvoista, että monet uudet nettikasinot keskittyvät erityisesti käyttäjäkokemukseen ja vastuulliseen pelaamiseen. Ne hyödyntävät uusinta teknologiaa luodakseen alustoja, joissa pelaaminen on intuitiivista ja helppoa. Tämä yhdistettynä korkeatasoiseen asiakaspalveluun ja nopeisiin kotiutuksiin tekee näistä kasinoista houkuttelevia vaihtoehtoja niin uusille kuin kokeneillekin pelaajille.
Individual | 03-Electrical | Professional Engineer |
Austin F. Clarke | PE/01/0614 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered. |
Individual | 01-Civil | Professional Engineer |
Arvill O. Benjamin | PE/05/0335 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered. |
Individual | 05-Mechanical | Professional Engineer |
Bertram Y. McKain | PE/01:06/0280 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered. |
Individual | 01-Civil, 06-Structural | Professional Engineer |
Billy E. Meikle | PE/03/0422 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered. |
Individual | 03-Electrical | Professional Engineer |
Brian C. Alberga | PE/01:06/0406 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered. |
Individual | 01-Civil, 06-Structural | Professional Engineer |
Brian W. Foster | PE/03/0669 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered. |
Individual | 03-Electrical | Professional Engineer |
Carl M. Scott | PE/03/0676 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered. |
Individual | 03-Electrical | Professional Engineer |
Carlos N. Pitter | PE/05/01005 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered. |
Individual | 05-Mechanical | Professional Engineer |
Chandar Lal Subaran | PE/01:06/0124 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered. |
Individual | 01-Civil, 06-Structural | Professional Engineer |
Charles D. Green | PE/01:06/0118 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered. |
Individual | 01-Civil, 06-Structural | Professional Engineer |
Che A. Stewart | PE/11/01024 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered. |
Individual | 11-Environmental | Professional Engineer |
Christopher A. Hylton | PE/14/0593 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered. |
Individual | 14-Marine | Professional Engineer |
Christopher M. Hamilton | PE/01/0848 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered. |
Individual | 01-Civil | Professional Engineer |
Christopher P. Burgess | PE/01:06:11,14/0376 | For practise ONLY in the category or categories in which the engineer is registered. |
Individual | 01-Civil, 06-Structural, 11-Environmental, 14-Marine | Professional Engineer |